Chile, officially the Republic of Chile, is a sovereign country located at the southernmost tip of South America. It adopts a republican, democratic, unitary, and presidential form of government. Its capital is Santiago.

It comprises three geographical zones. The first, mainland Chile, spans a strip on the western coast of the Southern Cone, extending between parallels 17°29′57″ S and 56°32′12″ S, mainly from the southeastern shore of the Pacific Ocean to the highest watersheds of the Andes mountain range. The second, insular Chile, consists of volcanic islands in the South Pacific Ocean: the Juan Fernández archipelago, Desventuradas Islands, Salas y Gómez Island, and Easter Island, located in Oceania. The third, the Chilean Antarctic Territory, is an area of the Antarctic continent where there are also Argentine and British territorial claims.

Additional Information
Santiago de Chile
756 102 km²
26,4 hab./km²
19,960,889 inhabitants
Spanish , Mapudungun, Aymara, Quechua, Rapanui.
Phone prefix:
Disfruta Santiago

Disfruta Santiago

Santiago, Chile
4 days60
Puerto Varas y Bariloche cruce de lagos

Puerto Varas and Bariloche Lake Crossing

Puerto Varas, Los Lagos, Chile
5 days98